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Apr 16, 2020
Transtition (really fast) to Telemedicine for Functional Medicine Practitioners
by Dr. Dan Kalish

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]After 15 years of running a full time telemedicine practice in functional medicine suddenly the world has stopped and just about all we can do in the field of functional medicine IS telemedicine. It’s an intense time for all of us and for practitioners wanting to stay in business going forward I believe telemedicine will be part of our landscape for many years to come.
I have started a free Transition to Telemedicine course which you can join at just go to the home page and click on classes and you’ll see it. We have several thousand doctors in the group already and are working together as a community to support this sudden move towards telemedicine. Laws nation wide have been modified, certain aspects of HIPPA have been changed and the world is suddenly wanting telemedicine as never before.
Over the past month this newly formed community has already launched several new telemedicine practices and I want to thank everyone joining the group for all their support. We’ve had a huge up-swelling of support for the Kalish Institute’s courses and I feel like we can, working together, keep functional medicine practices going using this new model.
Resources are popping up everywhere and our industry including supplement companies, lab companies, tech companies are all working literally day and night to figure out how we can move forward under the current circumstances.
It’s inspiring to be working alongside these CEO’s and key leaders in functional medicine to create a new reality for practitioners: the delivery of best in class functional medicine care through a virtual practice.
If you have questions on the subject please check out our free course we have hours of Q and A sessions posted now as I field the most commonly asked questions each week on Tuesday and Thursdays. More to come…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]